Citizen Uprising

Blog site for the Citizens Party Borne seeks to establish third party in New Hampshire

By Alexis Macarchuk
January 26, 2010 2:00 AM

PORTSMOUTH — Steven Borne, New Hampshire District 1 leader of the New American Independent Party, is working hard to get an independent party on the ballot in 2010.

Borne will give his second 20-minute presentation in a week outlining the beliefs and goals of the New American Independent Party at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Levenson Room of Portsmouth Public Library. A discussion group about organizing grass-roots activities will follow.

The New American Independent Party is trying to be established as a political party in New Hampshire for both the 2010 and 2012 election cycles.

“We are a mix of independents, Republicans and Democrats who want a cost-effective government where candidates aren’t addicted to money,” Borne said.

The party was started in Pennsylvania in 2004, but according to Borne, it is still rather small. “I’m trying to get people involved. This is the beginning,” he said.

Borne has written letters to the editors of local papers and is raising awareness about what the public can do to advance his cause. He said the party’s focus is on civil discourse, campaign finance reform and the separation of candidates and politicians from special interest groups and lobbyists.

Andrew Smith, associate professor of political science at the University of New Hampshire, said it is very difficult for third-party candidates to get off the ground. According to Smith, Democrats and Republicans keep competition out by enacting laws that exclude third parties, making it hard to get them on the ballot.

On third-party politics becoming viable Smith said, “It’s happened once in 240 years of American history, so I don’t think it’s going to happen.”

The best way for disaffected people to make a change is within a major political party, he said.

Borne is looking for support and 32,000 signatures to get the New American Independent Party on the ballot.

“They don’t make it easy on purpose,” he said. “It’s an uphill struggle.”

According to Borne, the party’s goal is not to be a majority, but rather to have a presence in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. Borne believes discussion and debate are missing from America, and would like to get people excited Wednesday night.

“We can’t just pay taxes and complain. We need to do something,” Borne said.

His current focus is on spreading the word about the New American Independent Party to state residents.

“I have no control about what happens in America,” he said, “But we have control over what happens in New Hampshire.”

Borne’s presentation is available online at

January 27, 2010 Posted by | General News, Interviews, Letters, NAIP Events, NAIP Media Events, Opinion, Steven Borne | , , , | Leave a comment

Nashua Telegraph: New independent party holds key to our future

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It is all my fault. Clearly, I have not done enough. If I had, then our current state of government would not be such a mess.

I am guilty of supporting our political party’s addiction to money. Maybe if I did more, our government would be more effective, our debt not so high and our economy not so stagnant.

Maybe we would not be getting nickeled and dimed out of our savings by “co-pays” and prescription costs if I took more responsibility for our health care costs. If I did more, maybe our representatives would actually fix the business of medicine instead of propagating the current flaws in our health care system.

The Republicans and Democrats are incredibly proficient at sucking huge sums of money out of businesses and individuals to fund their political war for power. As the power sways between goliaths, our country gets jerked to the left or right while our nation suffers. They continue to reach new lows as they demonstrate that the primary objective is to beat the other side.

I am sick of being a casualty of this ideological war, crushed by the stampede as the extremes rally their troops to fight their bitter enemies. This is not what America is supposed to be about; plus for what we pay in taxes, we deserve better.

I cannot fix either political party, but the flaws in our two-party system are now overwhelming. How much more can our nation endure? Unless we change first, do not expect the two party-system to make any significant changes.

Succeed or fail, we need to try to make America America again. We can do that by supporting an independent party.

I looked at the independent parties, and I am extremely motivated to find that I align with most positions of the New American Independent Party (or the Self Reliance Party in some states).

I will be writing editorials, giving local presentations – the next one is Jan. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Portsmouth Public Library – e-mailing everyone I know, instigating discussions and supporting New Hampshire candidates soon. Please let me know about coordinating a presentation in your city or town.

Are you going to continue to be a bystander or a pawn of the two-party system and watch our nation deteriorate? If so, please don’t complain about what is happening to our nation.

If you choose to be part of the solution, now is the time for us to get to work.

Visit newamericanindependent or contact me directly and we can figure out how you can begin to help.

Democracy needs your commitment, time and unique skills – not your money.

Steven Borne, of Rye, is the New Hampshire District 1 lead for the New American Independent Party. He can be reached at

January 27, 2010 Posted by | General News, Interviews, NAIP Media Events, Opinion | , , , | Leave a comment